Detour to Paradise

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在2009年5月14日 (四) 13:55由Lovelva (對話 | 貢獻)所做的修訂版本
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貧窮創新 蕭富元等著 天下雜誌


而這個文明古國巳不盡然如我們刻板印象是如此落後與貧窮,現在的印度巳隨著時間的刻痕在歲月中悄然改變,其發展潛力實在不容小覷。 現今印度是個充滿矛盾與對比的社會,在同一個空氣氛圍下可以並存著跑車與牛車、高樓與村舍、草率與效率的對立,其在經濟及科技的發展更是令人眼睛為之一亮。


其前任總理辛格曾發下「讓世人忘記上海,記住孟買」的豪願。如今的印度巳讓人牢牢記住,且將其拱上金磚行列的集團也對其前景十分看好。 不過在此同時印度讓人訝異的是其現在與古老的對立十分鮮明,在十分摩登的大廈旁就存在著三餐不濟的貧民窟,有著一股荒謬的和諧。 在這樣的環境下印度人發展出貧窮創新—破壞式創新,以低價策略來攻佔市場,成功的打開其貿易市場,為其吸引大量外商進駐及賺進大把鈔票。 這種破壞式創新將金字塔底端財富理論發揮淋漓盡致,像之前新聞報導印度發展出只要約100元美金的筆記型電腦引起嘩然,其它如全世界最便宜的愛滋病藥物及只有美國四十分之一價格的白內障手術。 如此的創造經濟奇蹟,而吸引更多外商關愛眼光,為其創造更大的經濟奇蹟。而在此時阻礙著印度大步邁進的絆腳石竟是官僚的政府體系,在其積極拓展國際地位及外貿經濟同時,印度卻有一半人口是生活在每天不到一美元的貧民窟,而且政府貪婪官僚的作風讓人倒盡胃口。 其實有遠見的官員心知肚明要讓印度脫離貧窮,在國際舞台上發光發熱,基礎建設不可少,去除貪腐更是一大目標。


有人說造訪印度數十次對於印度仍不甚了解,但卻一次比一次更了解自己,所以我想要了解這個神秘的國度,只有待我們自己用心、用體力去探究她的無限奧密。 開始在印度自助旅行 作者:王瑤琴


Interpreter of maladies 作者:Jhumpa Lahiri 此書是一系列的小故事組成,其中選出較有代表性的一篇來討論。

The story is set in a city of India, concerning an old woman who is not the tenant of a building but lives there acting as a door-keeper/janitor of the entire compound. The entire compound accepts her existence for it saves them the cost of keeping a real door-keeper and janitor. The old woman shoos strangers away from the door. One of the tenants becomes rich overnight and renovates the compound as a means of showing his generosity. Workers come in and out of the complex and the old woman can no longer keep strangers out efficiently. At this time the rich tenant’s wife promises the old woman a new mattress, for her old mattress is worn and no longer keeps her warm. The old woman, in anticipation of her new mattress, then allows her old mattress to stay in the rain after hanging it up to aerate that day. The rain spoils the mattress and renders it no longer serviceable in the humid climate of India. The old woman sleeps on old newspapers in anticipation of her new mattress when the rich tenants return from their vacation.
A series of burglaries disturbs the compound and the residents start blaming the old woman for letting in strangers. The discontent spreads from a murmur to, eventually, a public expulsion of the old woman from the compound. The old woman is robbed of her last possessions by street children after she leaves the compound, and she walks the streets talking to herself.
We talked about the old woman’s personal culture – how did she instill herself into the life of the compound? Why did she not defend herself when they asked her to leave? Is the opulent life of the past that she kept telling people about true? Is she unhappy? Could she have changed her fate?
And we talked about the culture of the community – the evident high crime rate, the ‘necessary’ benevolence of a neighbor who has suddenly become rich (for fear of jealousy?), their attitude towards the old woman prior to the burglaries (she was not well loved), the irrationality of the accusation (could this be a reflection of our own environment/ ourselves?), and the inability to empathize with the old woman’s plight (again, she was not well loved).