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  1. RoseTree (806位元組)
    8: * Artifact License: HL7 Basic License
  2. UNIX與開放原始碼軟體 (1,775位元組)
    25: === 授權 (License) ===
    27: ...tp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gpl GNU General Public License]
    28: * [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses BSD License]
    29: ...ia.org/wiki/Mozilla_Public_License Mozilla Public License]
  3. 點對點 (15,668位元組)
    11: ...U General Public License and the Creative Commons licenses).與同儕生產的概念,同儕的管治(...
  4. GNU通用公共許可證 (44,546位元組)
    1: ...missive free software licenses , of which the BSD licenses are the standard examples.這是在區分,以...
    3: ...件庫 。 There is also a GNU Free Documentation License , which was originally intended for use with docu...
    5: ...The Free Software Foundation recommends that this license is considered for any software that will commonly...
    9: ...e license. [1] Stallman's goal was to produce one license that could be used for any project, thus making i...
    13: ...e Linux kernel in 1992, switching from an earlier license that prohibited commercial distribution.一個重...
  5. 開放原始碼運動 (4,873位元組)
    61: ** GNU (General Public License)
    71: ** LGPL(GNU Lesser General Public License)
    72: ** X11 license
    73: ** BSD license
    74: ** MPL(Mozilla Public License)
  6. 著作權 (5,919位元組)
    61: * GNU Free Documentation License
    64: ...that is the reason for the GNU Free Documentation License.
    183: 請上 [http://creativecommons.tw/choose-license 授權精靈]
  7. 硬碟隨身碟加密-VeraCrypt軟體教學 (9,275位元組)
    22: :3.請勾選<font color="red">「I accept the license terms」</font>,並按下<font color="red">「...
  8. 著作權與CC授權 (7,115位元組)
    58: *GNU Free Documentation License
    61: ...that is the reason for the GNU Free Documentation License.
    141: ...相容的授權條款(Creative Commons Compatible License)來釋出
  9. ODF (Open Document Format) (9,030位元組)
    12: ...LibreOffice 文書處理軟體''' (Mozilla Public License v2.0授權,開放源碼,可免費合法取得...
  10. 如何更新JMP / SAS 授權碼 (650位元組)
    6: ...linical模組更新JMP Clinical的license和SAS的license,請參考上方說明說P14-15。
    10: # 請參考更新文件[[Image:JMP renew license.pdf]]。

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