第十四講:The Cutaneous Senses

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  • 最確實的感覺
  • 全身最後的防護前哨
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Reality(真實) complex abilities Helen Keller對外界的主要管道 receptor Mechanoreceptors (機械感受器) Touch qualities firmness 硬度—用壓的 shape 形狀—尋求軌跡(用姆指與食指) smoothness 平滑度--滑過表面(用手掌) sensitivity 最早測量 Max Von Frey (1896) 用hair 最好lips,fingertips次之 最差背(back)腹部(stomach) vibrate 200Hz最佳 Receptors Receptors (cont.) 触覺神經通路 Somatosensory cortex homunculus 一個小人 somatosensory cortex rat 注意whiskers 重覆刺激! Braille alphabet Braille Louis Braille在19世紀發明 Braille 2 Braille好處 Braille 3 中文點字 Measuring Tactile Acuity Receptor and Tactile Acuity acuity touch acuity (觸覺解析度) two-point thresholds (兩點覺閾) acuity 2 two-point threshold 在finger <2mm forearm (前臂)~30mm back (背)~70mm Localization(定位) Sensitivity(敏感), acuity(解析), localization Two Point Acuity tactile stimulation 刺激形式與acuity Two point threshold Receptive field and cortex Perceiving Vibration Perceiving Texture Texture and vibration Exploratory Procedures (EPs) Physiology of Tactile Object Perception Thalamus receptive field Receptive field in somatosensory cortex Grasp in Parietal cortex Tactile attention Nociceptive receptors Phantom limb Gate control model gate control theory cont. 由於按摩及振動等,Aβ粗纖維受到刺激後,使T細胞興奮,傳導至分支 的同時也使SG細胞興奮,於是到達T細胞前粗纖維和細纖維受到突觸前抑制(pre-synaptic inhibition),因此T細胞興奮受到抑制,不能傳導疼痛。 針灸 針灸可能就是對於表皮深部或肌肉深部間的感受器予以刺激,誘使發出一種非痛覺性(即是不具痛覺的)傳導。 此種非痛覺性傳導曾興奮Aα型的粗大知覺神經,依門柵控制假說(gate control theory),而可將C型微細神經所傳來的痛覺信息阻遏住。 MYTHS about pain acupuncture analgesia(止痛) Endorphins腦內啡 inducing pain pain and weather Condition and pain Pain matrix Hypnosis Physical / Hypnosis pain Chemicals in the Brain Pain in Social Situation Empathy?? 蠢動含靈皆有佛性,科學家如是證明 泛科學2011年12月 Empathy and Pro-Social Behavior in Rats 影音連結 人腦 p349 figure14.29