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  • 賽門˙西奈克 Simon Sinek

         樂觀信念者、激勵型演說家,專門協助各級領導人和組織如何啟發、感召別人。從國會議員到聯合國大使,從中小企業到微軟、英特爾、3M、美國運通等跨國企業,從好萊塢到美軍,只要是希望擁有啟發、感召能力的人,都希望深入了解「黃金圈」(The Gloden Circle)及「為什麼?」(Why)的威力。西奈克為多產作者,定期為《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》、《華盛頓郵報》、美國《商業週刊》等知名報章雜誌撰寫專欄。目前於哥倫比亞大學教授「策略溝通課程」只要沒有出外演講,西奈克通常住在紐約。


         所謂做事的原則就是探究中心的思想,本書教導我們如何成為一個好的領導者或一個好的企業,應該有怎樣的思維與執行力。這原則從簡單的幾何圖作說明,也就是本書作者,Simon Sinek發明的「黃金圈」。三個同心圓由內而外,分別為「為什麼(why)、如何做(how)、做什麼(what)」,簡潔有力的涵蓋整本書所要表達的內容,並與人體的大腦結構做醫學生理的結合,「為什麼=緣腦,新皮質=怎麼做」,讓我了解到不單單只是無中生有理論而已還結合科學的知識。成功的企業與讓人願意追隨的領導者,他們在許多的處事方面,這本書竟然巧妙地以黃金圈作完美的結合。這是一本值得大家一在閱讀並推薦周遭朋友的好書。


  • Part 1 不探究「為什麼」的世界
  • Part 2 另一種選擇
  • Part 3 領導的本事
  • Part 4 激勵群眾的力量
  • Part 5 成功是最大的挑戰
  • Part 6 發現為什麼


  • Part 1 不探究「為什麼」的世界 ─ A world that doesn’t start with “why”




         領導人使用的策略也是一樣,而影響人類行為的策略有兩種方法,操作與感召。好的領導人是會善用這兩種方法,如果使用不當可能會像是市場使用的價格戰,一片廝殺慘烈的紅海市場。「領導是要讓人中心追隨,無論高山低谷,追隨者甘之如飴。」領導人是要能感召他的追隨者,使追隨者對領導者產生忠誠度,如書中舉例,蘋果雖然在電腦使用者只占2.5 %的市場,卻非常優秀,因為她有一群愛好蘋果的忠實粉絲。

    In the beginning, the book mentioned that we made assumptions, even when the information is provided. But what if these assumptions are false?Simon Sinek, the author begins by explaining our judgment and analysis, often based on self-cognitive point of view that results with mistakes.
    The examples the book mentioned are two automobile manufactures, one in USA and the other one in Japan. Although the end product seems to be identical, it’s the door manufacturing process that makes them different: The doors for the Japanese cars are already fitted and planned when the Japanese manufactures designed the cars. On the other hand, the American manufactures hires an extra group of employees to adjust the car doors to fit efficiently after the cars are already designed. This means additional process to fit the door on every car just to improve the goodness of fit. Perhaps the doors for fitting does increased in the end, but if the American manufactures designed a better car door in the beginning, it’d save the time and money to hire extra employees and hammers to fit the car doors manually in the end.
    As the old saying goes, “Everything is hard in the beginning” and all long term successes start with the first step. So while planning or as a leader, you must know exactly where to make the first step, and this step is crucial and sure, otherwise the consequences will only be worse as you proceed without seeing the results you’ve expected.
    The strategies applied by the leaders are the same, while two strategies that affect human behaviors; the controlling and inspiring. Good leaders can and will utilize both strategies, though false practice may lead to the “pricing war” in business and lead towards the competitive market. “True leader inspire their followers, regardless what situations may be, followers are willing to support their leaders.” Leaders not only can inspire the followers, they can also make followers loyal to them. For example, Apple may only have 2.5% market share in the overall computer users worldwide, yet the track record is phenomenon because of its loyal Apple users. (陳羿霈)

  • Part 2 另一種選擇 ─ The Alternative Choice



    In the past, we used to assume that suppliers exist because there’s a demand and buyer on the market, thus the products and innovations are only there to fulfill what we thought of, and agree upon how the systems works even ‘til this day. But my understandings totally changed after reading part 3 of the book!
    Simon Sinek continues to mention the concept of “Golden Circle” as the core of this masterpiece, first start with “Why?” He explains that, if people all do and think from the “why” first, then perhaps everyone will achieve greater and accomplish more; easy saying, but with some hidden message and logic theory behind it.
    Yet as you think it through, most consumers think about what they need as the priority, then how to do it, and finally comes to why they should do what they do as the answer. Point to taken, I’m a heavy user for Apple’s product, and the same reason for liking it is great user experiences, stylish, all those answers that you’d get when asking the others. But the book explains how Apple’s product all deliver the same message, as the core value and the “Why”: “Challenging the Status-Quo” It is the same philosophy they all abide of, “Think Different!” and made me realize then that is the reason why I use Apple’s product instead of others. It is the same principle I discovered, that when a consumer believe and support its own value, somewhere in the world there will be people believe in your vision and support you! (陳怡碩)

  • Part 3 領導的本事 ─ Potential of Leaders



    “Never make enemies; the most valuable assets in life are friends!” This is the family value my mother and grandma always tell me since childhood. But the family value I abide with all my life became a contrast when I get to read this book, where the concept and theories are totally different compare to what I was told. The book mentioned: “Trust is the cornerstone of any success.” Then I think about life, it is the same philosophy. Finding the right people at work, believe the partners; go for various methods to progress towards the same goal and even achieving success.
    In the past seminars for management theory, professors also mentioned that find the right partner then plan the ideas, not the other way around! As experiences and older generations all point towards the same theory, it let me realize and acknowledge how important this value is. the Power of one plus one will always succeed two, but how big and how great is determined by the core value of the team: believe you can do it, and also believe your team, let everyone explore the endless possibility with their power!” (鄭如茗)

  • Part 4 激勵群眾的力量 ─ How to Rally those Who Believe

         前陣子看到一個新聞,蘋果公司總裁Tim Cook,接受他上任來的首次電視採訪,地點是在紐約中央車站大廳,但當他和記者行走在人潮川流不息的車站裡時,每個人手上不是iphone 就是ipad,但卻沒有半個人認得出來眼前這位全世界數一數二公司的總裁,隨著最新財報的下滑,大家也開始懷疑是不是賈柏斯留下來的傳奇已經不再,是不是這家公司已經接近尾聲了?

         賈柏斯,蘋果創辦人,一個總是穿著黑色套頭衫,卻無比傳奇的人物,懂得堅持自己理念,由為什麼出發,擁有激勵群眾的力量,讓蘋果迷願意花上幾天幾夜的排隊購買,但他就像沃爾瑪公司的創始人Sam Walton一樣,隨著創始人殞落,公司作風開始轉向,原因出在,庫克對於蘋果的理念逐漸混沌,與賈柏斯最初的理念背道而馳,開始為了利潤而不斷推出新產品,設法差異化,來賺取利潤,忘了最初強調使用者經驗、堅持創新、改變世界的理念,忘了為什麼而做,蘋果曾經大大改變了我們對手機的使用方式,讓蘋果不僅是一間公司,是一種理念,更是一種生活態度!



    Recently I came across news of Tim Cook’s first interview on television since he took place as CEO at Apple. The interview took place in the lobby of Central Station at New York; while Mr. Cook walks with the news anchor in the crowded station, you can see people are holding either iPhone or iPad, yet no one recognize the CEO whose company is leading the trend worldwide. With the decline of the latest earnings report, we begin to question among Apple’s legend cease to continue without Steve Jobs while the company is fading out.
    Steve Jobs, a legendary character always in Levi’s, New Balances, and black sweaters who founded Apple, sticks to his philosophy, starts with “Why” while motivating the masses, letting the Apple fans willing to spend days and nights lining up to purchase its products. But he was no different than Sam Walton, founder of Wal Mart, whose company culture starts to dwindle as the founders cease to progress. The reason being that, Tim Cook has different philosophy towards Apple that is different against Job’s founding philosophy: making new products only for the profit. Cook over emphasis among the differences between Apple and its competitor to gain profits, rather than stressing on user experiences, innovations, the strive to change the world, and even forgot “why” Apple do what they do! Apple did change how the world uses mobile phones, making Apple not only a success company, but a philosophy, and even a lifestyle.
    When you have a dream, its crucial to have the plan to makes your dream come true. Walt Disney had abundance of talents and vivid imaginary, while his brother, Roy Disney, was the invisible hand to make Disney Empire where it is today. You cannot reach the heart of the vision if you don’t do the right thing with the right people, or the partners don’t know the reason for the existence of this organization; such organization is likely to part-ways in the future.     When I read to the part of: "When you used achievement to accomplish goals, you gain success. But when you know the value and why you accomplish goals, you gain the sense of accomplishment.”, I suddenly able to understand why many successful entrepreneurs do not feel successful, as they become experts of "how to do" and forget the "why" in the first place! (游婷姍)

  • Part 5 成功是最大的挑戰 ─ Success is the Greatest Challenge




    In Part 5, Sinek highlight the differences between success and accomplishment. First start with “Why”, we can understand, and even when we succeed, we often forget why we succeed; “Why” we need to be succeeded. As “Doing” and “How to do” become the basics, “Why” became phenomenon and meaningful. But as “Why” became misguided, money became meaningless and people who only work because they have to work. </ >     The mission of the great companies, for example, Wal Mart: “Serve the People”, Microsoft: “May there be computer for everyone”, and AOL’s “Let more people by connected through internet.” They did it, but ironically, they start to blind their vision in the monetary measurement towards success.
    When you have a “believe”, the working people believe their work is improving the world, yet as the “believe” start to vanish, people just going about their daily life but have no clue why they are busy for what they do. If the successor cannot abide the “believe and Why” value set by the ancestors or founder, the company will slowly but surely lead towards “average”, and fade out eventually. (謝秉原)

  • Part 6 發現為什麼 ─ Discover “Why”



         每個想成為領導者的人,都曾經經歷過無數考驗,作者鼓勵我們萬事從為什麼去思考,藉著如何作及做什麼,一個簡單的黃金圈能引導你在迷失的時候找回正確的方向。 「當你和別人競爭時,沒有人會幫你忙,但當你和自己競爭時,每個人都願意拉你一把。」這是最後的鼓勵,凡是跟自己比,把自己訂為最大的敵人,只要今日的自己比明日成長一點,也是一種成功。

    The book use Apple as the most examples thoroughly, and also analyze the source of Apple’s success all started with Wozniak and Jobs since college. They invent the “Blue Box” back then, where it can cutoff the system of telecommunication company set up and let people make free long-distance calls. They had the ambition to challenge the tradition since then, but not once had they use such product since their goal is not doing anything illegal, rather, a philosophy and value that will not tolerate what’s in the trend now while challenging the status quo, making Apple where it is today.
    Steve Jobs once said: “I wish to leave some mark in the universe.” There will be no eternal leader in the world, except the ideas and believe can continually pass down. Which is the reason for creating a “Why” believe, a value that can support the continuous growth and operation of a business.
    For those who want to be leaders all encountered countless test and challenges. Sinek encourage us to start with “Why” as we begin to do something, then work our way onto “What”, and “How,” a simple golden circle can lead you towards the right path when you are lost. “No one will help you when you compete with the others, but people are willing to help you when you compete against yourself.” Always challenge yourself, imagine you as the greatest enemy, and grow a little more today rather than tomorrow will be a kind of success as well! (陳羿霈)