Using Therapeutic Modalities to effect the Healing Process
How should the athletic trainer incorporate therapeutic modalities into a rehabilitation program for various sports-related injures?
What specific modalities may be incorporated into treatment during the inflammatory-response phase and fibroblastic-repair phase?
What are the physiological events associated with the inflammatory-response phase of the healing process? How can you differentiate between acute and chronic inflammation?
Infrared Modalities
What are the definition and basic therapeutic clinical of an infrared modality and how are these modalities classified within the electromagnetic spectrum?
What are the physiological effects of both therapeutic heat and cold?
What are the various thermotherapy techniques that can be used by the athletic trainer?
Therapeutic Ultrasound
What is therapeutic ultrasound, and what are its two primary physiologic effects?
How does an ultrasound wave travel through biologic tissues, and what happens to the acoustic energy within those tissues?
What are the potential thermal effects and nonthermal effects of ultrasound facilitate the healing process?
Shortwave and Microwave Diathermy
What is diathermy, and what are the different types of diathermy? What are the potential physiological effects of using continuous shortwave, pulsed shortwave, or microwave diathermy?
What are the various clinical applications、precautions, and indications for using continuous shortwave, pulsed shortwave, and microwave diathermy?