Fuzzy logic
出自KMU Wiki
在2018年3月14日 (三) 16:57所做的修訂版本 (編輯) Guhjy (對話 | 貢獻) (新頁面: Many medical concepts are fuzzy in that there are no definite cut-points between present and absent. *e.g. The definition of diabetes mellitus (DM) is fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg/d...) ←上一個 |
當前修訂版本 (2018年3月14日 (三) 16:57) (編輯) (撤銷) Guhjy (對話 | 貢獻) (新頁面: Many medical concepts are fuzzy in that there are no definite cut-points between present and absent. *e.g. The definition of diabetes mellitus (DM) is fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg/d...) |
Many medical concepts are fuzzy in that there are no definite cut-points between present and absent.
- e.g. The definition of diabetes mellitus (DM) is fasting plasma glucose ≥ 126 mg/dL. However, patients with fasting plasma glucose around 126 mg/dL can belong to either DM or non-DM
- Crisp set
- Fuzzy set