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在2024年10月8日 (二) 09:49所做的修訂版本 (編輯)
Jeff (對話 | 貢獻)

當前修訂版本 (2024年10月8日 (二) 09:50) (編輯) (撤銷)
Jeff (對話 | 貢獻)

第14行: 第14行:
1.設定報廢資訊設備申請審核流程:校務資訊系統(wac.kmu.edu.tw)資訊系統首頁 -> T.教職員資訊系統 -> T.W.線上審核作業 -> T.W.0.01.審核流程設定作業 1.設定報廢資訊設備申請審核流程:校務資訊系統(wac.kmu.edu.tw)資訊系統首頁 -> T.教職員資訊系統 -> T.W.線上審核作業 -> T.W.0.01.審核流程設定作業
2.新增上半部-"流程名稱":點選表頭功能鍵 "新增" -> 輸入流程名稱"申請已報廢資訊設備" -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔" -> 完成表頭(上半部)資料輸入 2.新增上半部-"流程名稱":點選表頭功能鍵 "新增" -> 輸入流程名稱"申請已報廢資訊設備" -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔" -> 完成表頭(上半部)資料輸入
3.新增下半部-"流程次序":點選表身功能鍵 "新增" -> <font size="5px" color="#FF0000"><strong>輸入第一階段主管(通常為您的直屬主管)</strong></font> -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔" 3.新增下半部-"流程次序":點選表身功能鍵 "新增" -> <font size="5px" color="#FF0000"><strong>輸入第一階段主管(通常為您的直屬主管)</strong></font> -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔"
-> 再次點選表身功能鍵"新增" -> <font size="5px" color="#FF0000"><strong>輸入第二階段主管(數位資源組組長)</strong></font> > 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔"。 查詢學年度單位主管請至人力資源室網站(下圖)。 -> 再次點選表身功能鍵"新增" -> <font size="5px" color="#FF0000"><strong>輸入第二階段主管(數位資源組組長)</strong></font> > 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔"。 查詢學年度單位主管請至人力資源室網站(下圖)。
=== 學年度單位主管查詢 (Unit supervisor inquiry) === === 學年度單位主管查詢 (Unit supervisor inquiry) ===


※資訊設備再利用 Information equipment reuse



[編輯] 申請流程(Application process)


To apply for scrapped information equipment, please follow the steps below to set up the process.

[編輯] 步驟一:審核流程設定作業 (Step 1: Setup the audit process)

Set up the application review process for scrapped information equipment, please use WAC (wac.kmu.edu.tw) T.W.0.01. and refer to following the picture description.

1.設定報廢資訊設備申請審核流程:校務資訊系統(wac.kmu.edu.tw)資訊系統首頁 -> T.教職員資訊系統 -> T.W.線上審核作業 -> T.W.0.01.審核流程設定作業

2.新增上半部-"流程名稱":點選表頭功能鍵 "新增" -> 輸入流程名稱"申請已報廢資訊設備" -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔" -> 完成表頭(上半部)資料輸入

3.新增下半部-"流程次序":點選表身功能鍵 "新增" -> 輸入第一階段主管(通常為您的直屬主管) -> 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔"

-> 再次點選表身功能鍵"新增" -> 輸入第二階段主管(數位資源組組長) > 輸入完成後點選功能鍵 "存檔"。 查詢學年度單位主管請至人力資源室網站(下圖)。

[編輯] 學年度單位主管查詢 (Unit supervisor inquiry)

Please refer to the following picture description.

學年度單位主管名冊:高醫首頁 -> 行政單位 -> 人力資源室 -> 主管名冊


[編輯] 步驟二:報廢資訊設備申請需求表 (Step 2: Application Demand Form for scrapped Information Equipment)

Application for Scrap Information Equipment,please use WAC (wac.kmu.edu.tw) T.5.2.10. and refer to the following picture description.

1.報廢資訊設備申請:登錄校務資訊系統(wac.kmu.edu.tw)資訊系統首頁 -> T.教職員資訊系統 -> T.5.2.總務財保資訊系統 -> T.5.2.10.報廢資訊設備申請需求表

2.進入T.5.2.10.報廢資訊設備申請需求表 後,請先點擊 "可申請報廢資訊設備列表",查詢您要申請的資訊設備名稱及數量,確認有您需要的資訊設備。

查詢是否有您需要的設備後,再點擊 "資訊設備領用表",新增領用申請。如不清楚各項資訊設備規格,請簡單列出需求即可(如:電腦一台、滑鼠等),數位資源組收到申請會跟您連絡。




[編輯] 步驟三:線上審核作業 (Step 3: Online audit operation)

Please refer to the following picture illustrate.

1.於 "步驟二報廢資訊設備申請需求表" 點擊 "申請線上審核"後,系統會自動帶出下列畫面。

於 "流程編號" 欄位點擊並點選 "步驟一審核流程設定作業" 設定的 "申請已報廢資訊設備" 流程後,點擊 "建立流程"。

2.請填寫 "審核意見"、"簽核結果"、"職章"三個欄位資料後,點擊 "確認並送往下一關"。


若想查詢審核進度,可至 資訊系統首頁 -> T.教職員資訊系統 -> T.W.線上審核作業 -> T.W.0.02.線上審核作業,點選審核狀態"已處理之審核",查詢辦理進度。

[編輯] 常見操作錯誤(Operation error)


2.自行登打線上審核作業:線上審核作業需由"步驟二報廢資訊設備申請需求表" 點擊 "申請線上審核",不可自行增加申請作業。


Ans:1.請確認有點擊"申請線上審核",如果沒有點擊"申請線上審核"就不會產生申請流程。 2.請確認審核流程是否正確,

[編輯] 注意事項 (Precautions)





依據本校財務管理辦法,財物殘值 = 財物價 / 保存年限 + 1 ,即使已經報廢仍為有價財物,如不需使用請聯絡本組,勿自行丟棄,離職時本組會查驗有無申請報廢資訊設備。



1.Receive and keep:After the faculty and staff within the establishment of the school apply by themselves in the school information system and after reviewing and posting the information, the group will notify the applicant to use it. Applicants should take good care of the equipment they receive, and must not take them out of the campus, transfer, borrow or otherwise dispose of the proceeds.

2.Return:If the equipment is no longer used for any reason, it must be returned to The Division of Digital Resource and cannot be discarded by yourself.

3.Inventory:At least once a year, each unit is checked and counted, and recorded in the system to maintain the correctness of the data.

4.Compensation (under consideration)

5.If the equipment is damaged or lost, the equipment custodian shall be responsible for compensation, except in one of the following circumstances. 5.1. Although the custodian has performed the duty of care as a good manager, it is still unavoidable. 5.2. Caused by disasters or other force majeure events.

6.If the equipment is damaged or lost due to theft, disaster, force majeure or other accidents, the relevant documents and materials shall be checked within 7 days after the incident, and the responsibility shall be released after the on-site review of The Division of Digital Resource. The documents referred to in the preceding paragraph include the police report triple sheet, the photos of the crime scene, other physical evidence or suitable certificates, and the report of the equipment owner, etc.

[編輯] 建置緣由(Construction reason)



The Division of Digital Resource have long been committed to the sustainable use of resources,for the effective management and sustainable use of various scrapped information equipment,In 2014,after re-repairing the recovered scrapped computer equipment,for the administrative and teaching use of the school staff. From 2014 to 2020, we have provided 330 mainframes, 9 laptops, 220 monitors, 11 projectors, 28 IPADs and 954 peripherals for each unit to request for reuse. In 2020, we will donate 12 computers and 24 peripheral devices to disadvantaged students in our school, as well as 30 computers and 90 peripheral devices of Namasia Rural School, to help them study with peace of mind and fulfill their social responsibilities.

The original application process was paper-based. In order to reduce paper usage and save carbon, the system of "Management and Online Collection of Scrap Information Equipment" have completed in 2020. In the future, the "Key Points of Scrap Information Equipment Management" will be continuously promoted. It is expected to complete the laws and regulations and application system to give full play to the synergistic effect of the recycling of scrapped information equipment.